Thursday Thoughts

I don't have much to post about today, just a bunch of random clustered together thoughts lol. I will try to organize it all as best as I can, but be prepared for a crazy post!

I want to give a big shout out to my sister's boyfriend, he is such an amazing father to my nephew and has been still going to college this year too. He is a very hard worker! Well, all of his hard work has finally paid off! The other day Aunt Natalie posted on her Facebook that Uncle Jake was offered a paid internship! We are so proud of him! Most internships you apply for these days are unpaid, but to find a paid one is quite lucky! He will now be able to keep following his dream, while making money for his family. :) Congratulations Uncle Jake! We are so happy for you, Aunt Natalie and Baby Benton! We love and miss you guys so much!

Uncle Jake with Benton
For my hip hop classes, I always encourage solos with my students. We usually perform them at the end of class, just for the other students and their parents. But the experience a student gets from performing a solo is priceless: they learn to be brave when put on the spot, they learn to not fear the dance steps and just perform, they learn to become individuals. And so many more things! Well last night in our hip hop class, Alan performed his solo! He was nervous at first but once he heard that music come on, he started dancing his heart out! He picked the Kids Bop version of Thrift Shop to dance too lol, one of both of our favorite songs. I so wish that I was able to film it or at least take some pictures, but we had to play the song from YouTube on my phone. :/ But he did so well! I am so proud of him too, he is the youngest kid in class and was the second student who performed their solo. He did so great though! Good job Alan, we love you so much!

Miss Anna has started feeling a little better but she is still completely attached at my hip. Oh, its been an exhausting week for me lol! She has been up every 15 minutes to an hour at night and refuses to sleep more then an hour during the day. Her darn nose is all plugged up and I think that its the main issue. We have been sucking it out with a bulb syringe (I'm calling it the right thing here right? I have major Mommy brain now with so little sleep lol) and using Baby Ayr on her with little luck. Ugh I cannot wait until she feels better! I will be tap dancing on the roof! Well, not quite but I will be happy.

We finally went and got my oil changed in the car yesterday. Alan had preschool, so that made it easier on me while we waited lol. They were actually really quick too, which was surprising to me! Not that they ever take more then a half an hour, but this time we were in and out in a matter of maybe fifteen minutes! There was a Golden Retriever there with his owner and Anna was just obsessed with him. He had to stay outside (of course) but Anna kept following him in the window, yelling and banging on the window at him. The owner noticed and introduced the puppy to her, she was sooooo happy lol! He gave her a bunch of sloppy kisses on the face, she loved ever second of it. Even the owner was like, "Your baby is really into puppies. Most kids like him until he gets close to them. But she is all over him!" Lol, I explained to him that my mother-in-law has a German Shepard, English Settler, a little puppy dog and several cats. Anna just chases all the animals around the house when we are there! She is definitely an animal lover like her mama!

Tonight is Anna's friend Cordelia's second birthday party. Its Halloween themed, so at least Alan will be dressed up. I haven't honestly even thought about Halloween costumes this year, we have been so busy with everything else. Blah, I know that Alan is going to be a green or red ninja, depending on which color he chooses. But Anna may be Elmo or maybe a red M&M for Halloween? Not sure, haven't decided yet. We are pretty excited to be going to Cordelia's party though, her mama Heather is a big Pinterest gal and always hosts the coolest parties! Plus Alan is friends with Cordelia's older sister, Tatum, and also a few of Tatum's friends too. He will have a blast, I just know it!

Happy Thursday everyone!

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