Baby Wearing is Everywhere!!

I just love to wear my babies. When Alan was little, he didn't like it too much unless he was tired. Then he would let me wear him all over lol. But he was too big for the wrap we had by the time he was only four months old. As for Anna, she loves to be worn. I wear her all the time at home and have worn her several public places. I just love how calm she gets when worn and how close I feel to her. I also love that I am hands free and can get stuff done around the house or play with Alan but she is still near me and happy. We use the Moby Wrap but I would love to explore and try other wraps! I have been looking at the Ergo Wrap because its for over thirty pound children. This would have been perfect for Alan, in fact he probably could still fit in one! :)

Baby wearing is such a wonderful, empowering thing for a mother to do. And it is everywhere. Baby wearing has existed since the beginning of time and even animals technically baby wear. Here are some pictures of beautiful mothers (and fathers too) wearing their babies. Enjoy!



Here of course, is a picture of me wearing Anna. No, I am not nursing her right now even though it looks like it lol. I have not been able to figure out how to properly nurse her in the wrap yet. Regardless, I love baby wearing! I plan to do it with all my children! :)


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