Color me Rad 2012

I have had my internet turned off for a week and we are preparing to move today hopefully. Not too much happened last week except for Anna's friend Cordelia's first birthday party on Thursday and Color me Rad on Saturday. I will post about Cordelia's party later this week when I get the pictures from it. But I just HAVE to post about Color me Rad. Because it was simply AMAZING!!

I ended up not running Color me Rad but working it. I was able to work as a color bomber and let me tell you, I think I had more fun than the runners! I was put in charge of eleven other people, we were the Blue Crew! It was the best group of people ever! We had so much fun! I do not even know how to explain to you the awesomeness that is Color me Rad but I once again have more awesome pictures to show you! And I am in some too! :)

The before picture... Yes we rode in the back of a Uhaul to get to our stations

I wanted my shoes to be color blasted too
Part of my crew

I was hoping to meet up with some friends and a few relatives but I only ended up seeing my friend Kelsie and her sister in law DesiRae. Everyone else somehow passed by in all the color and love and fun and chaos. I probably pelted them with some blue and did not even realize it! At certain points it was a big cloud of blue! Which is why I got fully covered! :) Still to this day (now three days after) I have blue stains! And I have showered daily! Wow!

I just have to rave some about this race, it was the thing I really needed. I had so much fun there, it was crazy. There was so much color and love and beauty all around, it made me want to cry with happiness.  I met some fantastic people and made some great relationships. This was the WOW that I truly needed. The happy moment just for me and no one else. As a mother, I do not do that too much these days. And I should start more often. This was the reminder that I need to be happy for ME and not just everyone else.

All I have left to say is, I cannot wait until they come again next year!!!!


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