Fall is Finally Here!

You can see it in the leaves on the trees! Oh I just love fall, its one of my favorite seasons! I love the colors and the weather change and wearing warm clothes and all the other traditions of fall. We have several with my family. We play in the leaves, make ghosts with our raked leaves, go to the cornmaze, go to the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins and going trick or treating. Now that it is October, all those fun traditions will be coming up soon! We do most of them the weekends before Halloween, so in a week or two! Wow! We got a wonderful taste of fall Friday night at my parent's house.

Anna was napping and my mother agreed to watch her for me, so I took Alan for a little walk around their block while he rode his trike. Usually I have to push him the whole time but this time, he was peddling all by himself! He peddled and peddled all the way around the block, then back and forth in front of my parent's house for over an hour! I was so proud of him!

After our little bike ride, we decided to help out Grandpa Kevin by raking the leaves in his front yard. Uncle Kalvin and his friend Kale helped some by sweeping the leaves on the driveway and helping rake some too. Then we had a fun little leaf pile photo shoot as the sun was setting lol. It looked something like this:

The next day was SaturdayLive, a fall tradition for the schools in our town. My mother teaches in our town, so we decided to go to support her and the schools! We had a blast too! Aunt April went with us and Anna stayed home with Grandma Melanie. Alan enjoyed his little date with Mommy and Auntie, he felt quite special! We let him decide where to go and what to do. He loved being in charge!

The first place we went was the food court. We were starving and no one had eaten lunch yet, so we all got a slice of pizza. Alan did not want to eat, he could not wait to start playing but we convinced him to eat at least half. He inhaled it and was ready to go! We checked out the Harley Bike booth next. Alan was able to pick out the motorcycle he wanted and take a picture on it with Mama! He thought that was awesome! He chose a big blue bike and did not want Mama anywhere near him for the picture. We compromised because I did not want him to fall off lol. Then Alan shot some basketball hoops and won a water. Which was perfect because we were already thirsty again lol. We went for a little walk to explore after that and found a big inflatable slide. You know that Alan and I went on that thing at least five times lol! He wanted to go alone but was too young to go by himself. Once we started the long climb he was grateful for me though! He got tired halfway up and would have never made it all the way on his own! Silly independent guy! :)

After the slide extravaganza, we crossed the creek to look for the sand art. Aunt April had heard about it and wanted Alan to try it out. We found it up the hill a ways, in a nice shaded area. It was really hot so it was nice to get out of the sun and do a little project. Alan loved pouring the sand in and then tapping the top of the container to settle the sand. He was so proud of the finished project, he would not let me carry it. :) We wandered around some more until we found the "Rock Star" booth. There was karaoke and rock star items. Aunt April refused to sing even though I begged her but we bought Alan some cool shades and an inflatable guitar. He looked like such a hambone lol!

We also found a piggy bank painting booth, so we spent the last of our tickets there. Aunt April and Alan then spent the next half an hour painting this little bank. Alan covered Aunt April in paint lol! I found it quite amusing, although she did not. Oh well, that's the life of an aunt. :) Then it was time to go home. We had quite a blast and I can't wait until Alan is a little older and can do different booths to!

What's your favorite part of fall?


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