Cereal is Not Just with Milk Anymore

Happy Hump Day everyone! No WILW post today, I will already have two posts today anyways and I am a little busy with the kids and packing. Not too much is going on again today but it is my cousin Anthony's 24th birthday. He lives in Colorado, so unfortunately we will not be doing too much for him. I wrote on his Facebook and will be giving him a call hopefully later today. Happy birthday Anthony, we al love you so much here! Otherwise today we are still just packing and cleaning. I have hiphop class tonight and we are learning some more freezes and working on our six step. I think next week I will teach them top rocking. :)

For obvious reasons, since I had Anna we have been pretty homebound. Lon works two jobs and is gone weekdays from 9 in the morning until 11 at night. We only have one vehicle right now and it usually goes with him. We also try to only go to the grocery store once every week and a half, if not two weeks. When we run out of things, like milk, we have to get creative until we can go to the store to get more. Cereal is one of the biggest deals when we run out of milk. Here are some things we have used to replace milk. Some were good, some were... interesting lol. :) Which ones would you try???

Cereal with peanut butter

This one Lon came up with one night. It is surprisingly delicious and my whole family loves it! Alan doesn't usually like peanut butter because of its consistentsy but he really enjoys this. I think its because it clumps the cereal together into clusters that he can pick up easily with his spoon. And its not so sticky in his mouth like peanut butter is on its own. We love it for him because its a good protein dose. :D

Cereal with applesauce

I came up with this one and its the only way Alan will eat applesauce! Once again, Alan doesn't like applesauce on its own but when its mixed in with cereal, Alan will chow it up! :) The only issue with it is when you don't eat it fast, the cereal gets icky. But if you have a hungry toddler, this might work! Plus if you make you own or get it organic at the grocery like we do, then you have another way to sneak in a healthy fruit! :D Bonus!

Cereal with apple juice

This one wasn't the greatest idea I had. I thought that people had cereal with orange juice, how different could apple juice be? It tasted soooooo weird and almost wrong lol. Plus when you let it sitfor too long it started to look gross and soggy. Alan wouldn't really touch it after like a few minutes lol because it looked so gross. Oh well, trial and error right lol?
Cereal with yogurt

This one was also too weird for us too. We as a family barely like yogurt alone so yogurt with any type of cereal BUT Cheerios or Honey Bunches of Oats tasted very odd to us. I really didn't like it at all except in very small amounts. Alan wouldn't even try itunless there was way less yogurt than cereal. Lon only really tried it but hasn't made it himself yet lol. But he says he lies it. I think just because he wants to be nice lol, whihc it wouldn't be mean if he didn't like it. He's just silly. :)

It is also important to realize that different cereals work better with different replacements. Like Honey Bunches of Oats worked best with peanut butter and yogurt but with applesauce or juice a Cheerio type of cereal tasted best. The funny thing is now even if we have milk, Alan or Lon will have cereal with one of our replacements. :) They certainly have become quite popular in our family lol. Love it!

Which ones would you try???? What kind of replacements for foods have you used before????


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