Month in Review: September 2012

September is also another one of those birthday months for us lol. I know so many people who have children that were born in September, sometimes the same year but oftentimes different years too! It also is the beginning of fall, one of my favorite seasons of the year! Who am I kidding lol, EVERY season is my favorite season, it just depends on which season we are curently on! :P But I do just love fall and all that comes along with it. Here are some of the things we did this month!

Being a part of the What to Expect group has its benefits, one of the main ones being all the empathy and support you recieve because you are venting to moms going through the exact same age. I love my WTE mamas! This of course means that I know a ton of people born in September and alot of them are the same age as Alan. So we celebrated so many birthdays this month, it was crazy! Here are the main ones I wrote about: Alan's third birthday was in the beginning of this month. He had an awesome Bubble Extravaganza party at Pioneer Park for it. It was also Ry'ana's third birthday (the were born on the same day, in the same hospital) that same day and we went to her birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. Great Grandma Marcia had her birthday this month too and we all met at Denny's for her birthday brunch. September 11 is also my cousin Blake's birthday, so we spend it as a day of memorial and love. We also celebrated Alan's good friend Colton's third birthday party towards the end of the month. It was an adorable Mickey Mouse themed party. We had a blast! For Labor Day weekend, we did not go camping anywhere with family as is tradition but instead the kids and I went to three different parks in the three day weekend. Alan had a wonderful time and Anna enjoyed watching him!

Alan, Anna and I saw my good friend Tanya this month and were able to go out to lunch and out for yogurt with her! It was nice to see her, she goes to school here but goes back to her hometown for summer. We had missed her! I also started working again this month, teaching hiphop to children ages four to eight. I love that I am teaching dance again! September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, so I posted an informational post and spoke of Alan's good friend Jack, who is bravely fighting cancer. We got current family pictures taken by my friend Kelsie at Norm's Island. Thanks Kels, they turned out fantastic! The Ringling Brothers Circus came to town the same weekend that was Alan's friend Colton's birthday party and my childhood friend Ali's baby shower. That was a busy but fun weekend for us! My bestie Jenelle is graduating from college this year with an art education major, so we went to her gallery showing this month. It was themed Manifest Destiny and the artwork was simply stunning, as to be expected from my favorite artist! Thanks JJ, I loved your work! And it was wonderful to see you too! Alan also had his very first trip to the dentist and I am proud to say that he has no cavities! He was fantastic with the dental hygienist and doctor too! We are so proud! Anna also made several trips to the doctor because of a minor medical scare. We are so glad she is (and always was) okay!

I wrote about alot of different things this month, once again. I think that's what happens when I sit at home with the kiddos all day. I think about things alot. I have yet to finish the Hunger Games, thus restarting my book reviews but that is for this month! Last month, I wrote about my upcoming new change to my blog (coming in less than a week). I bragged about my recent consignment store buys and how much money I saved on all those clothes. I still cannot get over it lol! I showed everyone how to make mini cakes with Alan being my photogenic little helper. They were delicious! I remembered how scary it was to be younger on 9/11. I also wrote about some recent stresses my husband and I have been experiencing lately, ones that I had not been sharing with you. I'm sorry! Forgive me lol? I hope so! I expressed my extreme need to run the Color me Rad race the end of October. If you have not checked it out yet, you need to! And I put in my two cents about the Duggars trying for their twentieth child. I love them to death, but I do not feel it is right for them. :/

Anna finished up her Darling Dozen posts this month! :/ How sadly awesome it is that my baby is growing lol, this is how I feel about it: happy that my big girl is growing up but sad that my sweet baby is getting older. I have a feeling every parent battles with this lol. At least the good ones. :) By the way, here is her eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth week for the Darling Dozen post. I also continued with Alan's Toddler Talk Tuesday. Alan sure is a funny little guy with smart little ideas and things to say lol! What a cutie!

Alot of great things happened last month. Another wonderful chapter with my family is closed. Now we are looking towards all that October will bring us: Uncle Aaron and Lon's birthdays, pumpkin patch trips, MOVING, corn maze adventures, Alan's Halloween costume reveal and then trick or treating on Halloween! Happy fall and happy October everyone!


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