Happy Blogiversary to me!!

Today is my two year blogiversary. Like the change????? I sure hope so! I have completely revamped my blog, giving it a more adult/family feel. No more of this young mama junk! I am 23 years old and have two children of my own. It was time for a change! And I like it.

Let me share with you the new changes:

The first one is obvious, our new blog name. Free Range Family. A name my husband came up with. I told him I wanted something that described our family's free spirit and hippie lifestyle, but also hints at my love for this state and everything about the west. At first, Lon was teasing me, telling me silly names he knew I would never use. But then he said it, and right away I knew it was perfect. It was the new name for my family's blog. There was no question about it.

My family essentially is a free range family. In Montana, to be free range means to be unenclosed and constantly able to move around and forage for food. We have not lived in one place for more than a year or two since becoming a family November 2008. We both go out and work the daily grind, or forage for our neccessities. I just love the new name!

The others are a little less obvious, I think. I have yet to post our icon button or put link buttons on my page but those are both works in progress. I will also be adding some more content to my blog. I will feature the Homeschool Hour for Alan, probably once a week. I have yet to decide what time. It will share what Alan is learning each week and my different ways of unschooling him. I plan on posting more television show, movie and book reviews. And more Point of View posts too!

I hope everyone enjoys the changes. I put a lot of hard work and thought into them. I hope it makes for a better reading and overall experience on my blog. Let me know what you think!


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