Songs I Sing to Anna Ariel

Not too much going on today. I do not have class today so the kids and I will be at home packing and cleaning. It was raining earlier this morning, that was nice. I like rainy days. And today it helped motivate me to pack! Bonus! We got a call from our new landlord this morning and the place will not be ready until around next Wednesday. This puts quite the strain on us because we have to be out of this place by the first of next month, but we will make do. I am confident that we can get moved in one day and spend the rest of the week cleaning the place. We have lots of help too. Still, wish us luck!

Here is another back up post for y'all! We are all busy, busy, busy!

I have been thinking about the songs I sing to Anna to calm her down. There are a few that are similar to what I sang to Alan as a newborn, but a lot of new ones too. Here is a list of them, I will start with the ones I also sang to Alan.

"Is this Love?" by Bob Marley

This is one of the songs I used to always sing to Alan. We would dance around the living room and I would sing it to him, with his little newborn eyes looking up at me, soaking in every single word. Anna does the same. :)

"Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles

I also used to sing this song to Alan, though I sang "Hey Jude" to him more often. I usually sing this one to her while we play together or while I change her. This one is more of a daytime song than a lullaby but she likes it just as much.

"Better Together" by Jack Johnson

This song I have loved since highschool. I sung this to Alan when he was a newborn and still do sometimes. And now I love singing it to Anna. Songs like this remind me of the beginning of Lon and I's relationship, when we were so young and naive and poor in money but ever so wealthy in love. :) This song somtimes brings me right back to those precious days when I was pregnant with Alan and I honestly thought it was just Lon and I against the world.

"Safe and Sound" by Taylor Swift featuring the Civil Wars

Now, I really do not like Taylor Swift but this song really hits home for me. I first heard it in the wee mornings when I was pregnant with Anna and it made me sob like a baby. Pregnancy hormones lol. I still love this song and will sing the whole thing to her. This is one of the only songs I will sing the whole song to her, most I will just sing the chorus. But this whole song is perfect. God I love it so much!

"Anna Sun" by Walk the Moon

This song I obviously sing to her because of her name. But I like the idea of my Anna Sun, so I sing it to her alot. This is another daytime song. I will sing it to her also when she is unhappy, just to remind her that she is my sun. :) It really is my modern "You are my Sunshine" for her.

"Ho Hey" by the Lumineers

Of all the songs I sing to Anna, this is probably her favorite. She will hum and coo with me while I sing this song to her and it could be because of the sounds they make in the song. But I like to think its just her favorite!

What kind of songs do you sing to your children? Do you sing them old fashioned lullabies or modern songs like I do?

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