Five Question Friday!! October 5, 2012

Happy Friday everyone! And it is a happy Friday indeed! I recieved a call from our potential landlord this morning, pretty much wanting to know when we could move in!!! :D WAAAAHOOOOOO! Oh thank goodness, thank goodness! I am so happy, he said that he still needed to finish through our application and fix the water heater but that we will know for sure by the end of the weekend! So I am calling on you one last time, prayer warriors, help us get this place! My heart sings when I think about this house, it is the perfect new dwelling for my family! I am honestly tearing up a little just thinking about it lol. I know, total dork! Please, please, please may we get it!

In other news, it did not snow today or last night like I was supposed to. I am not sure if I am happy about this or not yet. Probably the first just because of the cold that comes with snow. I know that I am NOT ready for that yet!

Here is this week's Five Question Friday!

What album/cd/download are you embarrassed to admit you have?
I guess you could say all of my dance music, all the Kids Bop and old Britney Spears and Michael Jackson, James Brown and such. However, it serves a purpose so I do not find it embarrassing to admit. In fact, I proudly tell parents that this is the type of music I play for hiphop, instead of that gross modern crap. Yeah I was taught by a true BBoy, not just some mainstream punk. I have tribute that I must pay to. Much love to my old teacher Remind, may we always remember the old school!!!! No one dances to Beyonce or Flo Rida here!!! :)

What's the one thing your spouse does better than you?
Totally already know the answer to this one! He is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better at putting babies down to sleep without waking them than I am! I seriously suck at it! At first, I thought maybe its was just with my own children and was because I nursed them and they could smell the absense of milk. But now I have worked at a daycare with babies for over two years and nope, still cannot do it! I somehow always wake them up! Lol it soooooo frustrating sometimes! Especially after like the twentieth time of doing it!

When do you start buying Halloween Candy?
We only usually get one bag of candy each year for Halloween because sadly, ever since I have moved out of my parent's house every place I have lived in is a bad area for trick or treaters so I will only ever get one or two. Each year! One year I remember (Alan's first Halloween) I called my mom sobbing at like 9 at night because we were all dressed up and we did not get even ONE trick or treater. We had already been over to visit them for the night but I apparently sounded so devastated on the phone that my family came over just to trick or treat at our apartment.

With that being said, my husband is addicted to candy somewhat. Like seriously, I have to hide candy from him for holidays if I want to save it. Or he will eat it all. Its crazy lol. He has even started finding my spots and still eating it. I wonder somedays if he is a kid lmao. :) So oftentimes I will just buy the candy the day before the holiday, just so I only have to hide it overnight. That way it does not get eaten and we have candy for that holiday! Yay! We usually end up eating all of our Halloween candy ourselves anyways though. Maybe this year I will just get a few big candies to give away. Watch, then the word will spread and I will have over a hundred kids this year lmao! :P

Family closets - Yay or nay?
We currently have two closets for the four of us. Alan and Anna share a closet in his bedroom while Lon and I share the closet in our room. It is out of neccessity, not desire and let me tell you I do not enjoy it but not because of me.

Alan and Anna have too many clothes! They have so much clothing I swear, they could each have their own closet and be set, if we had the storage. Right now, we do not. But we are moving and I have been pinning on Pinterest and found the perfect solution!

Its called a costume closet on Pinterest but we will use it for Anna's baby clothes. And I have an old beat up dresser with the drawers broken out of it. Instead of a drawer at the bottom, we will put two little baskets for her socks and headbands, diapers, whatever we cannot hang up. I love this idea because it can go in our room, instead of Alan's and Alan can have his own closet at the new place! It is perfect!

Which home/cleaning chore do you hate the most? Why?
You know, it really is a tie between laundry and doing the dishes. I absolutely hate doing both of them, with or without a machine (and yes, I have both with both) but I realize how much of an absolute neccessity they are to our daily life. So I continue to do at least one load of dishes (handwashed currently) and one load of laundry (handwashed currently too, but not for long) each and every day. For my family. Because I love them and because someone has to. Do their laundry, not love them lol. But maybe the other way somedays too. :P


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Ours will be full of packing! Tune in on Monday to see if we got our new place! Keep your fingers and toes crossed for us please! We want this house!!


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