A Trip to the Corn Maze

Thursday the kids and I met up with my friend Jessica and her family at our town's corn maze and pumpkin patch. Anna had her last weight check up with her pediatrician that morning, so we got the jeep for the day. Alan and I were so excited to be able to get out around town some!

Anna's appointment went really well. Anna weighed 10 pounds and 8 ounces, a whole pound more since her last appointment with them. The nurses seemed very pleased with that progress. They asked me if we had changed anything and I filled them in our own recent work with the Lactation Consultant. She told me that I was right to have contacted her and Anna was lucky to have such a dedicated parent. Made my day, just a little bit. I'll be honest with you. Then we saw our new doctor (one randomly picked from our clinic this time) and what a surprise that was! It was my old school friend Rosa, the girl who actually gave me the idea of Rosalie's name when I was pregnant with her! Wow what a coincidence! I knew that her father practiced there but not her!! What a nice surprise. Anna got the clear call on her weight, thankfully. They do not need to see her again until her next well baby check up. I'm so happy, I have been working so hard lately to get her to grow! Good job, Anna girl!

After the doctor apointment, we went to the corn maze. Its way out on the outskirts of town, by one of my old work friend's house. Alan loved the long drive out there, he pointed out all the hay bales and cows to me. Anna thankfully slept the whole drive and did not wake up until we had been in the farm area for a while. There was lots of different things to do from water pumps to a color maze to pig races to a tractor ride and even more! We met up with Jessica and all the kids. Her sister was with her and had her own kids plus her sister-in-law's children with her too! All together, we had nine children under seven years old! Anna was the youngest but we had five little ones altogether. And Jessica is pregnant, ready to have baby Trent at any moment too. Holy kids! It was quite a task for us all, especially since there was only four of us. We had a great time though.


First we went around the petting zoo. Alan saw the pigs, sheep, goats and a horse while Anna snoozed. His favorite was the sleepy pigs. He kept getting down close to one of their faces and whispering, "Silly piggie. Get up. Its wake up time. Don't you see the sun? Silly little piggy guy." I thought I was going to die! I was laughing so hard! I wish I had Lon's Ipod so I could have filmed it because it was seriously one of the cutest things I have ever heard him say! He spoke so sweetly to that sleeping pig, yet was so demanding with him. It was the funniest thing ever. After the petting zoo, Alan got some practice roping a steer. He would twirl one end in circles a few times, drop that end and then grab the looped end and stick it on the fake steer's horns. He did not get the idea of tossing the loop onto its horns, even though I tried to show him and help him do it several times. Oh well, at least he understood were it went! My future cowboy!

Every year, the farmers build a hay playground. They do not only use hay, they build with other equipment too. This year they used a big tube and fake ice for the slides, industrial stairs, several different types of chains and some nets too. It looked pretty cool and the kids loved it! I think they spent the most time playing there! The fake ice slide was soooooooooooo fast, little Carly had to have help everytime but she enjoyed it as much as Alan did, I think. It was even a little too fast for Alan. The first few times, he was pretty scared when he came down. It did not stop him from wanting to go again and again though. There were pedal cars set up with a fun little track close to the playground. Alan somehow got distracted from the playground and insisted on playing on them. He was just barely to short to fit the pedals though, so I had to push him around the track. I felt pretty silly pushing him in circles, but he loved it! I had never seen him so happy.

Then it was officially pumpkin patch and corn maze time! The three of us went looking for some good pumpkins (only ended up buying one there, they are way more expensive compared to the 39 cent ones at the store) and possibly the Great Pumpkn. I am sad to report that even though we found some cool picture taking pumpkins and one good pumpkin, we have yet to find the Great Pumpkin this year. It would have been ten dollars there anyways, and NOOOOOOOOO Great Pumpkin costs ten dollars. That is too much! :P I did not get to take any pictures of the corn maze either, we only went so far in and Alan was going to fast for me to slow down and take any. I would have if I was smart and had brought the Moby Wrap instead of the stroller. I will make not of that if we go again.

At that point, Alan was exhausted and Anna wanted to eat so we took shelter in the dried corn sensory box. It was like a sand box but with a ton of dried corn in it. There was a nice big tent around it too, which was awesom because it was HOT!! I thought it was funny that it was so hot on an October day, it felt like it was maybe 80 degrees or so. Jessica had to take her husband Randy home, so we said our goodbyes. Then I nursed Anna and then supplemented her in the shaded tent while Alan played in the corn, rehydrated and happy as a clam. Once she was finished, we took a ride in on the cow train. Alan loved it and I thought it was pretty clever. They made cows carts out of oil drums and a cart. They looked so cute! The only picture I took of them of course did not come out. Oh well, Alan loved them and Anna even enjoyed the little ride around the corn maze and pumpkin patch. It was a perfect way to end our trip!

We might go again with Lon sometime this weekend. Or we might just go to the store to pick out our pumpkins. It might save us some money that way. :) And with us moving right now, we need all the money we can get! I will update you readers when I know though! I also just found out that Healthy Halloween is on Halloween this year! Usually it is the Saturday before or after. I cannot wait to go this year, Alan will be old enough to enjoy it finally!


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