What I'm Loving Wednesday! October 10, 2012

I know I did not do yesterday's Toddler Talk Tuesday but we are very busy now, as to be expected. :) I did, however, feel quite compelled to do today's blog hop simply because I have so much to love and be thankful for today. Not too much is going on for us today, just packing and then I have hiphop class. We will just be reviewing the 5 step for breakdancing and maybe learning a new freeze, I have not decided yet. But I am still a very happy little mama! All is definitely good in this neck of the woods!

Here is this week's What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving that we got the okay on our house yesterday! We will be moving in hopefully this weekend!

I'm loving that this weekend is also my cousin in law Maddie's baby shower. I am doing a Pinterest project for her present! Onesie cupcakes to go with the diaper cake my mom is having made for her!

I'm loving that Anna already has her baby shower outfit picked out! It goes perfectly with the theme. :)

I'm loving that Alan had a playdate with his buddies Kelton and Teagan at Chuck E. Cheese yesterday. And I got some much needed adult time with Kelsie, Kourtney, Chelsea, and DesiRae. Anna even got baby time with Miss Harper! A win for everyone!

I'm loving that my neighbor recently has befriended us. She's about ten weeks pregnant and it will be nice to get to know her before we move. I love having friends all over town!

I'm loving that I just received a text from a good buddy about a free grill her dad is fixing up. Uh yeah, we will take it off your hands! I love grilling! And we have a place for it now!

I'm loving that it snowed over the weekend and I got some beautiful fall meets winter pictures of the vines out front of our house. I will miss their beauty. Look at that red!!!

I'm loving that Anna is gaining weight again and is healthy! Thank goodness, I have been working so hard to make enough for her!

I'm loving that we did a small amount of grocery shopping yesterday, thanks to my parents! We did not have alot for groceries this pay period because of the move and it is so nice to have choices for lunch and dinner now! Thanks Ma and Pa!

I'm loving Alan's facial expression in this picture! Love my little cheeseball, he is always so happy!

I'm loving that we are so close to being fully packed right now! We really only have the essentials out still. All we need to do now is MOOOOOOOVE! :D

I'm loving that tomorrow is my new blog change and my two year blogiversary! Wow I cannot believe it has been two whole years. I think blogging has really opened me up as a person and taught me some new things about life. I hope my family's blog continues for years to come!

I'm loving my job, my friends, my family and my life.


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