On Easter Sunday
I know its almost been a week now, but I just realized that I had not posted about how our Easter morning and Alan's first Easter egg hunt! They both went so well, but were over-shadowed by the wedding and reception. Nonetheless, they deserve their spot in my blog. I will also add photos as soon as I figure this whole thing out lol (Can you email pictures to your blog?) but for now, bear with me. :) Sunday morning came to find Lon and I toddler-less (Alan had spent the night at his grandparent's house) but for some reason we still woke up at 8 am lol so I made him a breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast that we ate in bed lol, watching Mystery Science Theather 3000 for an hour or two. For those of you who have never heard of this crazy awesome old show, google it lol. :D Here's a photo of the characters from one of the seasons. Lon and I are just obsessed! Via Then we went over to Alan's grandparent's house for Alan's first Easter egg hunt. :) It was made...