
Showing posts from March, 2012

This is Too Hilarious!

You all know LMAFO's "Sexy and I Know it" right? I love the song and think the music video is just too funny! :) Well since the music video came out, there have been tons of parodies, including the cute "Elmo and I Know it" version. Well a couple days ago, I came across this version and I have to say it is my favorite! Check it out, this girl is sooooo funny!

Five Question Friday! March 30, 2012

Happy Friday everyone! Lon stayed home sick again today, so Alan and I spent a lot of our time out in the living room and outside in the front yard. We even went for a little walk around the neighborhood. Thankfully, it looks like Alan and I may have missed this virus completely. But keep your fingers crossed for us over the weekend! :)  I have most of this weekend off, just have to train a girl on a birthday party tomorrow at two. Yes! Tomorrow night we will probably be going to the Shrine circus with my family, I'm hoping Lon feels well enough to go too so we can make it a family affair. Anyways, here is this week's Five Question Friday! Enjoy! What giveaway would you like to do on your blog? I have never done a giveaway on my blog before, but would love to do one if I was ever given the option. It would be fun to do a kid's event ticket giveaway, like for Disney on Ice or Seasame Street Live, but that would be more of a localized giveaway. Other than that, ...

Our Easter Plans

My poor, poor husband. He got sick last night and has been throwing up ever since. I think he has the stomach bug that has been going around, ugh. He has never looked so miserable, I feel so bad. But so Alan and I don't get sick ourselves, I had to leave him alone to fend for himself today. I at least set him up with plenty of cold water bottles and some chicken broth close by, so he won't have to do too much work. Then we set out to spend our Mama and Son day date together. :) We went to Kelsie's house to play on her playground with Kelton for a bit, and then I am taking him out for ice cream after lunch. I'm not sure if we are going to the circus tonight or later this weekend, but if not I hope to go out to dinner with some friends tonight. Anyways, back to my Easter plans! Easter is a week and a half away from us and its about time to start planning our activities for the holiday. For those of you new to this blog, my family still celebrates Easter even though I ...

The Pregnancy Post: Week by Week! Week 24

Sorry I didn't post about our Easter plans yesterday, I was sick all day and almost had to go to the hospital to get some fluids. Needless to say, it was not a fun day for me lol. But today I feel pretty good, and was able to clean and vacuum the house. Sometime this week we are planning on going to the Shrine circus in town, but I have to check with Grandma Melanie to see when they are going. Alan is really excited for the circus and elephants, I can't wait to take him! :) Here's this week's Pregnancy Post! Wow can you believe its already 24 weeks??? How far along: 24 weeks and 3 days Size of Baby: 13 1/2 inches and 1 1/2 pounds or the size of a ear of corn Developments of Baby: Baby girl basically looks like a miniature version of herself at birth, right now she is mostly focusing on gaining more weight. Her brain is still growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory ...

A Great Grandmother's Wonderful Gift

Last night, Lon told me the sweetest story about Alan's Great Grandma Audrey. She apparently was never given a middle name by her mother. Audrey had wanted a middle almost all of her life but had never found the right name for her, even as an adult. That is, until she heard from my mother-in-law that we were having a girl and had decided to name her Anna. That name seemed to be perfect in her eyes. So last week, Great Grandma Audrey went and legally got her name changed to Audrey Anna, after our baby girl. :) This made me cry, what a sweet gesture! Lon, Alan, Anna and I are so blessed to have such a loving family surrounding us! I cannot wait to bring Anna into this world and have her experience all of this love! Unfortunately, Lon and I didn't make it to the roller derby bout on Saturday. :( He got called in to work the night shift and my sitter cancelled on me, so it was just Alan and I for the night. I contemplated taking him and going on a Mommy and Son date but by the ti...

Baby Shower Planning and Issues

So my bestie Jenelle and I have been starting to talk and think about my upcoming baby shower. I wanted to originally do it in May, but every weekend in May is busy for my family and I. So we finally settled on April 29, Arbor Day. But when I spoke to my mother about it, she told me that that date will not work for them because Aunt April and her will be out of state in Ogden for a dance workshop. Ugh. Well seeing how I can't have my shower without my mommy and baby sister, I will have to reschedule for it in earlier April or late June. Neither of which are desirable to me, April is too soon for me to plan everything and June feels like it would be too late in my pregnancy, I would want more time to continue to prepare for Anna. So while I wait to decide what date I want to do it, I wanted to share some of my plans with you. I want the party to be purple and green themed, like Anna's nursery. I think if I can, I will find some cute butterfly and bird decorations too. Lon want...

Five Question Friday! March 23, 2012

Happy Friday everyone! I am somewhat excited for this weekend because of the nice weather and of course my cousins' Billings Roller Derby Dames bout! Lol I have two cousins who are on the team, Miss Katie and Miss Abbie. They are sisters too lol. But Lon and I have been promising these girls that we would come watch them for about a year now, so we are going to the bout on Saturday! :D I am pretty excited, I have some crazy cousins lol. Here is a couple photos of them, derby-ing it out! KO Katie and Abbie Derby girls, yeah! Needless to say, I am really excited for this Saturday. We don't normally get out a lot, and it will be so nice to see all of my family. Plus I think this mama could get into roller derby lol... That is, if I could even stand while on rollerblades lmao! Cos I can't! :P Here's this week's Five Question Friday!! If you were free to just hop in the car and drive, where would you go? Or, if you could hop a plane and go anywhere, where? ...

Adventures of a Daycare Teacher, Haircuts, and Midwife Appointment Update

Another post that totally qualifies as rambling lol...  Oh the joys of being a daycare teacher. I have worked at the Child Watch daycare center in the YMCA for a year and a half now and the crazy things I have seen/said/done are worthy of going their own book lol. All I have to say is: kids are an adventure, whether they are yours or you are just in care of them. For example: Yesterday at work, we were all playing outside. The combination of the wind and the excited yells of the kids, it was kinda hard to hear out there. This little boy asked me a question from a distance where I misheard him. He also said the same thing several times, really fast. I thought he said, "Teacher, may I be here?" so I said yes. But in reality, he had asked me if he could pee there. He instantly went to the window and started pulling down his pants. Lol I shouted and ran because there was a considerable parent line at the desk and they were about to get a peep show. Thankfully, I caught him ...

Toddler Talk Thursdays!! March 22, 2012

Happy Thursday! Be sure to tune in later today for my midwife appointment update. For now though, enjoy this week's of Toddler Talk! This week's topic: How to Deal with a Picky Eater Alan eating cereal for breakfast Alan is a somewhat picky eater. He doesn't like most cheeses, vegetables, and a few meats. He will only ever eat macaroni or spaghetti noodles and doesn't like eating bread most of the time. Somedays, I feel like he doesn't eat enough because I try something different and he refuses to eat it. But I remind myself that he will eat if he's hungry and won't stop until he feels full. This still makes mealtimes somewhat of a battle for us. If Alan had his way, he would only ever eat pizza, chicken nuggets and hot dogs. He also believes he can live off of goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, granola bars and pop tarts. So I have been given the task of "hiding" healthy things in his food. For an easy example, Alan likes cereal but no...

The Pregnancy Post: Week by Week! Week 23

I can't believe I am already six months pregnant! Lol this is just crazy to me. :) Today I have a midwife appointment to check up on Miss Anna. I can't wait to hear her little heartbeat again, my favorite part of the whole trip. This week is pretty blah for us, we are just waiting to hear back on our dream apartment. Please send good thoughts and prayers to us so that we get this house! It'll be perfect for our growing family. Here is this week's Pregnancy Post! Enjoy! How far along: 23 weeks and 3 days Size of Baby: 12 1/2 inches and 18 ounces or the size of a large mango Developments of Baby: Baby girl's vestibular system—the area in the brain responsible for sensing movement—is one of the first parts of the brain to mature and it is already actively sensing all my movements. She can actively sense me moving now. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are p...

The Traveling Red Dress: Changing Photographers

As you all know, I found my red dress last month and was just waiting to set up a photo session with the wonderful Jeff Bryson. Well we also decided last month that we were going to "upgrade" to a bigger apartment asap. Because of the recent "upgrade" decision, at risk of feeling guilty, I now plan on going with an amateur photographer versus a professional photographer like Jeff. Being the Buddhist and unmaterialistic mother that I am, I simply cannot allow myself to spend anymore money on this journey for myself. This journey is about finding my inner beauty, not about spending money. So I asked my sister Natalie to photograph me. I want to say this real quick before I continue, this has nothing to do with Jeff. I really wish that I could have him photograph me, as he is one of the best photographers that I know. He does amazing work and I cannot wait to do a session with him again, sometime soon hopefully. I see maybe a family maternity photo shoot in the su...

Saint Patrick's Day 2012

Hope everyone had a fantastic Saint Patrick's Day, I know my family did! :) Early Saint Patrick's morning wasn't too good to me, I couldn't sleep after four and was up sick every hour after six in the morning! But I took my vitamins and was okay in time for the parade. Alan was beyond excited for the parade. We picked up Aunt April and Uncle Kalvin to go with us, and met Kelsie, her friend Desiree and Kelton met up with us. We ended up finding a spot right on the bend of the parade, which was nice because we could see ahead of the parade and prepare for what was coming. Alan couldn't wait for it to start! Waiting for the parade The parade started out as it always does this holiday, with the presentation of our flags and the bagpipe band. Alan thought the bagpipes were weird, probably because he couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from and he was confused about their kilts. But he clapped and waved at them regardless. Then came some cool hot rod c...

Fun Family Friday!

Alan and I had a pretty good Friday today. Unfortunately Lon worked in the morning and then went to the Village Inn to help out at night, so it was mostly just the two of us. But we still had a great day! I took Alan to Target to pick out his Saint Patrick's Day shirt, and told him about the parade tomorrow. Well I probably should have waited to do that lol, because he thinks it is today and has been talking about it non-stop all day. :) Anyways, he picked out a cute green Lucky Charms shirt that says Little Charmer  on it. I'm glad he picked this one and not an actual Happy Saint Patrick's Day one because I got it a size bigger in hopes he can also wear it to school. Aha! After Target, we ran through the drive-thru of McDonald's to get some lunch to take to a park. It was noon and we chose the Mickey D's near Senior High, so it took FOREVER to get through the line. Then we drove to Veteran's Park to eat and play for a bit. Alan was oddly silent the whole r...

Five Question Friday! March 16, 2012

Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone has a great Saint Patrick's Day weekend, I know we do! :) Please make sure those that are drinking this weekend are making sure they have a designated driver take them home. Saint Patrick's Day should be a fun and safe holiday! Have a good one everyone! Here's this week's Five Question Friday! Enjoy! Will you run to the store or to pick up a kid looking a mess? Yes I will lol. I don't care about my appearance too much, unless it is for a formal occasion. So most days, I look pretty slobby lol. Going to the store? Slobby. Going to a wedding? Dressed up. Going to my parent's house? Slobby. Going to a birthday party? Dressed up. This is how I normally will go lol. Especially since I am almost 23 weeks pregnant with a toddler as well. Do you finish a book if it's boring or you don't like it? Yes! I have always been a firm believer of finishing all books you start, whether they are worthy of you reading the...