Happy Friday everyone! I am somewhat excited for this weekend because of the nice weather and of course my cousins' Billings Roller Derby Dames bout! Lol I have two cousins who are on the team, Miss Katie and Miss Abbie. They are sisters too lol. But Lon and I have been promising these girls that we would come watch them for about a year now, so we are going to the bout on Saturday! :D I am pretty excited, I have some crazy cousins lol. Here is a couple photos of them, derby-ing it out! KO Katie and Abbie Derby girls, yeah! Needless to say, I am really excited for this Saturday. We don't normally get out a lot, and it will be so nice to see all of my family. Plus I think this mama could get into roller derby lol... That is, if I could even stand while on rollerblades lmao! Cos I can't! :P Here's this week's Five Question Friday!! If you were free to just hop in the car and drive, where would you go? Or, if you could hop a plane and go anywhere, where? ...