A Great Grandmother's Wonderful Gift

Last night, Lon told me the sweetest story about Alan's Great Grandma Audrey. She apparently was never given a middle name by her mother. Audrey had wanted a middle almost all of her life but had never found the right name for her, even as an adult. That is, until she heard from my mother-in-law that we were having a girl and had decided to name her Anna. That name seemed to be perfect in her eyes. So last week, Great Grandma Audrey went and legally got her name changed to Audrey Anna, after our baby girl. :) This made me cry, what a sweet gesture! Lon, Alan, Anna and I are so blessed to have such a loving family surrounding us! I cannot wait to bring Anna into this world and have her experience all of this love!

Unfortunately, Lon and I didn't make it to the roller derby bout on Saturday. :( He got called in to work the night shift and my sitter cancelled on me, so it was just Alan and I for the night. I contemplated taking him and going on a Mommy and Son date but by the time I had made a decision, Alan had fallen asleep for the night lol. But I promised Katie and Abbie that April 14, their next bout, Lon and I will definitely be there cheering them on! :) I did find out that they won their bout 118 to 83! Congratulations girls! You did just awesome!

Yesterday, we went to the Alberta Bair to support Aunt April in her Spotlight Dance Competition. You may remember from a couple weeks ago when she hurt her hip? Well she has healed to the point of not needing crutches anymore, but still was only allowed to compete in one of her dances this weekend, her production number Legally Blonde. She has a major singing part in the production and they couldn't do it without her. Alan and I had not seen her full production yet (we had only seen rehearsals without the costumes and full set) so we decided to go for a while.

It was really dark in the theater, but this is how Alan watched Aunt April

Alan and Aunt April in her Legally Blonde costume

Aunt April did a wonderful job on her singing part for Legally Blonde. The whole production was great! Alan and I ended up staying for five and a half hours this time and Alan behaved just as well as he did the last time! It was partially thanks to fruit snacks and Aunt April's iPod Touch lol, but he sat and watched almost the whole time! We did end up doing a handful of laps up and down the stairs but I couldn't complain lol. :)

How does he know how to work an iPod Touch but I don't???

The dances were really awesome this weekend too! Our longtime competition (they were competition for our studio when I was a student lol), Dynamic Dance and Tumbling Academy was there again and they brought their 'A' game this year! They had a handful of great numbers, including their "Grief" piece which was a beautiful dance done with umbrellas and their production titled "Instrumentation" which featured a saxophone slide and four different styles of dance. Uncle Kalvin and Alan's favorite was a cool hip hop number called "The Robots are Coming" and had dancers in homemade robot costumes! Those were some great poppers and lockers, they looked like real robots lol! So cool! My favorite was how Alan passed out on my lap, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AWARDS CEREMONY!!! In other words, the loudest part of the show. But he slept through all of our shouts and cheers (which there was a lot of, I still have a ton of former students at Diversity) and he even clapped along in his sleep a few times lol! So funny!

Only my son can fall asleep when its this loud!!

Aunt April and her group won diamond (first place) for her production and April's team won several diamonds and rubies, as well as a few overalls and judge's choice. We were so proud of all of them! Good job Diversity Dance Studio! :D

So I know this is totally random, but do you wanna know my one favorite thing about being pregnant??? Its my beautiful nails. :) I don't like to ever do anything with them, except keep them trimmed, but they look like I got professional work done on them! Or that's how I feel lol! :P But they are so long and strong, and the color is just gorgeous. See for yourself:

Oh my gosh, I just love them so much! I get complimented on them all the time too and people ask me what I did to them. I just smile and tell them that I got pregnant lol. Haha! :P

Be sure to tune in tomorrow to see what crazy things I have planned for my family this Easter Sunday. Have a great day everyone! Enjoy this beautiful weather out, I know we are!


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