Is it March or May? Someone please tell me lol!
**Warning** This post will contain a TON of pictures lol. The weather was gorgeous and I took a lot of photos this weekend. You have been warned.
I am not complaining lol. Not. one. bit. This past weekend the weather has been so gorgeous, we have spent almost all our time outside. I love it! This past weekend was pretty busy, but we were able to still enjoy the 70 degree weather.
Friday it was so nice out, that when Alan picked out shorts to wear for the day, I willingly let him wear them! We didn't do much that day, Kelsie and I had to cancel our play date plans but I still took Alan to Rose Park to play once I had finished with my housework.
It was a little windy, but the sun was shining so we didn't mind. Alan set off to explore the park, and found a weird wheel thing. It turned in a circle, but I couldn't figure out what else it did. I think they used to be used as communicators across the park for the kids, because there were several placed all over the playground. But we couldn't figure out how to make it work lol. :P
Alan barely played on the playground, he ran through it real quick several times and then was bored lol. He slid down the slide maybe twenty times though lol, before demanding we go see the bridge and water. We went to the bridge and unfortunately, all the water had drained. We had to double check the whole length of the bridge though, to make sure all the water was gone. Lol, I love toddler thought processes. :) Then we ran in the fields for a bit, with Alan stopping periodically to "check the trees for coconuts" lol. I think he got that from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. :P
Saturday was Aunt April's dance competition, Thunderstruck Dance. Alan and I went to support her and my other former dance students. We surprisingly ended up staying there for five whole hours, even though I only planned on staying for a couple. But Alan behaved so well and even fell asleep the last hour, I figured we would milk out as much time as we could get! Lol I love to watch dance! :)

I wasn't able to take any pictures, as I was too busy preoccupying a little boy at a dance competition lol. But we had a great time still. April danced in five group dance numbers, two production numbers to Legally Blonde the Musical and her solo called Hold on to Hope Love. She did just fantastic, I was blown away by the dances I saw! Her technique has developed so much lately and her passion is only growing. This really was shown to me in her solo. It was a beautiful, slow lyrical number that made this pregnant mama bawl like a baby lol. :P But her solos tend to have that effect on me.
Unfortunately for my sister, she hurt her hip in her third to last dance and wasn't able to dance her last two dances. She was devastated, but I reminded her that the most important thing now was healing (she has another competition in only two weeks) and her fellow students would understand and support her. And they did. Thankfully, she won first in all of her group numbers and received high gold on her solo. She also made fourth place overall in her age group. We are so proud!
Sunday was a lazy and chill day for me and my boys. We made breakfast, cleaned the house some, and then headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a steak barbecue. The weather was still sunny and beautiful out, so I hung outside with Alan and Uncle Kalvin while Grandpa barbecued. The boys played cars and trucks in the dirt.
Uncle Kalvin was really hoping some of the neighbor kids would come over to play too, so Aunt April traded with him so he could go check. A couple kids came over to play, but only for a few minutes as it was so close to dinner. Alan and Uncle Kalvin didn't mind though. They ran and played balls and threw the frizbee and swung on the swings and rode bikes and played with them the whole time.
Once the neighbor kids had left, Grandpa Kevin suggested I let the boys play in the back of his truck, like Aunt Natalie and I did when we were kids lol. I thought it was a silly idea, but the boys were all down for it! They loved the ridges of the truck bed because they worked perfectly as car tracks. I think they played up there for a half an hour lol. Silly boys!
Then it was time for dinner. We had steak, baked potatoes and peas for dinner. Yum! Alan chowed down his steak, ate a little of his potatoes and smushed all of his peas lol. *Sigh* You can't always win with toddlers. :P Then we watched How to Train Your Dragon together. What a good Sunday it was!
I hope the nice weather continues throughout this week. Today was pretty nice, I just haven't been feeling well at all. Poo, I wanted to take Alan to another park. Oh well, tomorrow is another day! :)
I am not complaining lol. Not. one. bit. This past weekend the weather has been so gorgeous, we have spent almost all our time outside. I love it! This past weekend was pretty busy, but we were able to still enjoy the 70 degree weather.
Alan in his shorts
Friday it was so nice out, that when Alan picked out shorts to wear for the day, I willingly let him wear them! We didn't do much that day, Kelsie and I had to cancel our play date plans but I still took Alan to Rose Park to play once I had finished with my housework.
Alan took off running right away!
And he didn't stop once he hit the playground
It was a little windy, but the sun was shining so we didn't mind. Alan set off to explore the park, and found a weird wheel thing. It turned in a circle, but I couldn't figure out what else it did. I think they used to be used as communicators across the park for the kids, because there were several placed all over the playground. But we couldn't figure out how to make it work lol. :P
Alan turning the wheel thingy
Alan barely played on the playground, he ran through it real quick several times and then was bored lol. He slid down the slide maybe twenty times though lol, before demanding we go see the bridge and water. We went to the bridge and unfortunately, all the water had drained. We had to double check the whole length of the bridge though, to make sure all the water was gone. Lol, I love toddler thought processes. :) Then we ran in the fields for a bit, with Alan stopping periodically to "check the trees for coconuts" lol. I think he got that from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. :P
Sliding down the slide
Saturday was Aunt April's dance competition, Thunderstruck Dance. Alan and I went to support her and my other former dance students. We surprisingly ended up staying there for five whole hours, even though I only planned on staying for a couple. But Alan behaved so well and even fell asleep the last hour, I figured we would milk out as much time as we could get! Lol I love to watch dance! :)
I wasn't able to take any pictures, as I was too busy preoccupying a little boy at a dance competition lol. But we had a great time still. April danced in five group dance numbers, two production numbers to Legally Blonde the Musical and her solo called Hold on to Hope Love. She did just fantastic, I was blown away by the dances I saw! Her technique has developed so much lately and her passion is only growing. This really was shown to me in her solo. It was a beautiful, slow lyrical number that made this pregnant mama bawl like a baby lol. :P But her solos tend to have that effect on me.
Unfortunately for my sister, she hurt her hip in her third to last dance and wasn't able to dance her last two dances. She was devastated, but I reminded her that the most important thing now was healing (she has another competition in only two weeks) and her fellow students would understand and support her. And they did. Thankfully, she won first in all of her group numbers and received high gold on her solo. She also made fourth place overall in her age group. We are so proud!
Sunday was a lazy and chill day for me and my boys. We made breakfast, cleaned the house some, and then headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a steak barbecue. The weather was still sunny and beautiful out, so I hung outside with Alan and Uncle Kalvin while Grandpa barbecued. The boys played cars and trucks in the dirt.
Just a couple of boys, playing in the dirt :)
Uncle Kalvin was really hoping some of the neighbor kids would come over to play too, so Aunt April traded with him so he could go check. A couple kids came over to play, but only for a few minutes as it was so close to dinner. Alan and Uncle Kalvin didn't mind though. They ran and played balls and threw the frizbee and swung on the swings and rode bikes and played with them the whole time.
Poor injured Aunt April, playing with Alan
Once the neighbor kids had left, Grandpa Kevin suggested I let the boys play in the back of his truck, like Aunt Natalie and I did when we were kids lol. I thought it was a silly idea, but the boys were all down for it! They loved the ridges of the truck bed because they worked perfectly as car tracks. I think they played up there for a half an hour lol. Silly boys!
Lon calls this the redneck playpen lmao!
Then it was time for dinner. We had steak, baked potatoes and peas for dinner. Yum! Alan chowed down his steak, ate a little of his potatoes and smushed all of his peas lol. *Sigh* You can't always win with toddlers. :P Then we watched How to Train Your Dragon together. What a good Sunday it was!
Posing for the camera in Grandpa's truck
I hope the nice weather continues throughout this week. Today was pretty nice, I just haven't been feeling well at all. Poo, I wanted to take Alan to another park. Oh well, tomorrow is another day! :)
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