Toddler Talk Thursday! March 8, 2012

Happy Thursday! The weather is just gorgeous again lol. Mother Nature can't make up her mind anymore lol! If I have the extra time today, I might take Alan to another park. Its so sunny out!

We are just so excited for the Disney on Ice show tonight! Since Alan woke up this morning, all he can talk about is Mickey and Minnie lol. He even wanted a Mickey shirt to wear and when we were unsuccessful in finding him one, he threw a little fit. Ugh lol. :P Boy is my little guy all about Disney today! Be sure to check out my post from earlier today, where I reveal my daughter's name choice! :) We are so excited and can't wait to meet her! Only nineteen more weeks!

Here's this week's Toddler Talk post! Hope everyone enjoys!

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1. We ask that you follow all three hosts.That way you can keep up to date on future Toddler Talks.
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5. If you want to post the link up on your blog – please do! Maybe we can draw in more people to participate and share tips!!

This week's topic:
Fun in the Kitchen with your Toddler!

I just love to bake! Unfortunately for me, Alan really isn't much of a baker right now, he is too active currently and gets distracted really easily. But boys will be boys of course lol.

So I have only really had Alan help me a small handful of times. Most of the time when I am cooking (unless its something sweet lol, he always has an interest in that) he can be found in the living room, playing with his cars and blocks or running laps through the house. But he has helped me make several batches of cookies, a birthday cake for Lon, and spaghetti once.

When he is interested in baking with me, I am sure to involve him. I ask him to grab pots or pans for me since they are close to the ground (aka much easier for him to get than me lol). I have him help me stir things in bowls, which is probably his favorite thing to help me with. With cookies, he will help me scoop the spoonfuls out of the bowl and put them on the pan. And he LOVES to help decorate. Cookies or cake, Alan loves to use frosting and sprinkle the sprinkles. His favorite though is probably munching on all the yummy treats we use to put on our cookies/cake lol. I catch him doing a lot of that!

Once he is older and shows more of an interest in baking, I will gladly let him have a daily dinner task. Like helping mix things in bowls or help set the table. Anything that will make him feel more like a big boy and a member of our family. Plus it makes things a little easier on me. Which is a plus lol. :)

Tune in tomorrow for my Disney on Ice and Five Question Friday posts! Have a great Thursday!


  1. Such great tips! Thank you for linking up and I hope you had fun at Disney on Ice!


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