The Pregnancy Post: Week by Week! Week 21

The weeks seem to just be flying by lol! So weird that I am already 21 weeks along! Today, Mother Nature is continuing to be crazy as all the snow is almost already fully melted lol. Oh well, Alan and I have housework and errands to run today, too busy for park playing anyways. :) But tomorrow night, we are going to Disney on Ice: Mickey and Minnie's Magical Journey with Grandma Melanie, Uncle Kalvin and Aunt April. We are pretty excited! And Friday morning, we are hoping to have another play date with Kelsie and Kelton at the YMCA Open Kids Gym.


Here is this week's Pregnancy Post!


How far along: 21 weeks and 3 days

Size of Baby: 15 ounces and 11 inches long or the size of a carrot

Developments of Baby: Baby girl's eyelids and eyebrows are present. Fat layers form throughout her body. These layers will eventually keep her warm and insulated once outside the womb. She can start to have hiccups this week.

Weight Gain: Still only a total of thirteen pounds

Belly Button In or Out: Still in, thank goodness :)

Maternity Clothes: I actually wore my first pair of maternity pants today. They are jeans, and look really cute. They are comfy too! Plus!

Morning Sickness: I have had morning sickness EVERY DAY this week so far. Ugh I hope my Vitamin B6 is still working. It normally only lasts til about eleven but it still ruins my whole morning. Blah!

Stretch Marks: Still only the few that I found the other week.

Gender: A beautiful bouncy baby girl!!!!! :D

Movement: My little girl is a mover and shaker lol. She moves so much lately, I have already figured out her sleep patterns. Because when she is up, she is having a party in there lol! What an active little girl! :D I love it!

Sleep: Its getting there. Not terrible this week surprisingly. I feel like one week its good, the next week its awful. Oh well, just prep for when our little one comes! 

Best Moment This Week: Still hearing everyone's reaction to our gender announcement. Everyone wanted a girl lol, so everyone is beyond pleased. :) We are as well.

What I miss: Not being uncomfortable 95% of the time. I feel okay sometimes but if it isn't a stomach, leg or butt cramp, its back pains or nausea. Or I feel exhausted and weak. Or just all around blah. I know I shouldn't be complaining this early (it will only get worse before it gets better lol) but I don't remember it starting this early with Alan either. So who knows? 

Food Cravings: Salmon, cheeseburgers, cheesecake, pizza, Laffy Taffy, tacos, Cool Ranch Doritios, Starburst, Skittles, Snickers, chocolate, cake lol, tator tots, chai tea, milkshakes, Salt and Vinegar chips, grilled cheese sandwiches, and definitely lasanga lol!

Food Aversions: Eggs, my husband's AWFUL beef jerkeys, salad or lettuce in general, spicy or Mexican food and raw meat. Yuck to the extreme!

Symptoms: Morning sickness, feeling weak or light-headed, round ligament pain, all around exhaustion, the need to pee ALL the time lol, out of breath easily, food aversions and nausea, major forgetfulness, odd dreams, heightened sense of smell, lower back pains, cluster headaches, leg and butt cramps, overly emotional at times (gotta love pregnancy hormones!)

What I’m looking forward to: My next doctor's appointment at the end of this month.

What I'm not looking forward to: Still the Glucose test. My midwife gave me a month for it finally, ugh. :( Its in April.

Here are my belly pics, look I am finally wearing my maternity pants lol! Yes!

21 weeks and 3 days

Tune in tomorrow for a very exciting post! We have already picked out our little girl's beautiful name, and we want to share our process with you lol. Only because we are dorks! :P Stop by tomorrow for the post!


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