Fun Family Friday!

Alan and I had a pretty good Friday today. Unfortunately Lon worked in the morning and then went to the Village Inn to help out at night, so it was mostly just the two of us. But we still had a great day!

I took Alan to Target to pick out his Saint Patrick's Day shirt, and told him about the parade tomorrow. Well I probably should have waited to do that lol, because he thinks it is today and has been talking about it non-stop all day. :) Anyways, he picked out a cute green Lucky Charms shirt that says Little Charmer on it. I'm glad he picked this one and not an actual Happy Saint Patrick's Day one because I got it a size bigger in hopes he can also wear it to school. Aha!

After Target, we ran through the drive-thru of McDonald's to get some lunch to take to a park. It was noon and we chose the Mickey D's near Senior High, so it took FOREVER to get through the line. Then we drove to Veteran's Park to eat and play for a bit. Alan was oddly silent the whole ride up there, and I soon found out why lol. When I parked in the parking lot at Veteran's Park, this is what I saw:

So I sat in the parking lot for a bit, ate my lunch and read some mantras from my pregnancy meditation book. I was hoping that by the time I had finished, he would wake up but I had no such luck lol. So we went home. He slept for three whole hours! I was a little amazed lol. Wow! :)

Tonight, we went to the Broadwater Elementary spaghetti dinner with Grandpa Kevin, Uncle Kalvin and a neighbor kid. I had to go to this, even though Uncle Kalvin is the only one who goes there, because all of us siblings went to Broadwater and I have a lot of fond memories there. I even saw the same secretary that worked there when I went to school! :) She was so excited to meet Alan and hear about my pregnancy. It was nice seeing her. We sat down with our spaghetti and Alan immediately went for his shamrock cookie lol. Grandpa Kevin was skeptical but I promised him that Alan wouldn't miss out on eating spaghetti, one of his favorite foods. And I was right!

Alan chowing on his spaghetti

Messy face afterwards :)

After dinner, the Broadwater Move It Crew (a hip hop program from the school) preformed for everyone. The dancers did great and Alan loved it! The funny thing was that I know the dance coach, she and her twin used to cheer at the high school I went to! I think they were even in my class lol. Pretty cool. I think its funny how enthralled Alan was at the dancers, his eyes were planted on them the whole time. He wouldn't even smile for a picture!

Uncle Kalvin and Alan watching the dancers

After the dance, we went into the hallway of the school to make a craft. Alan picked out the turtle magnet to make and we made it while Uncle Kalvin went outside to play with his school friends. Alan wasn't too much help with the glueing lol, but he was a good placer of things! :) He put all of the glued pieces down and even helped push them down so they would stay. Then he colored his turtle's legs orange. Quite the unique turtle magnet he made for our fridge. I know Lon will just love it.

Then there was still some time before it got dark outside, so we let Alan play on the school playground with Uncle Kalvin and his friends. Alan was so happy, he ran and climbed and slid down the slide. He had so much fun, even though I froze in my shorts and light coat lol.

Climbing up the steps to the slide

There were some rowdy kids around, who liked to climb on top of the playground and hang off the bars, so Alan attempted these dare devil tricks several times. He about gave me a heart attack. :) But he didn't fall off and break any bones, so we are good lol. He and Uncle Kalvin had a lot of fun running around and playing with each other too.

Crawling through the hole

Tune in tomorrow for my anniversary post! I am really hoping to get the pictures from our wedding reception downloaded off this CD and posted on here. Keep an eye out! And to those who I won't be seeing before tomorrow, have a happy and safe Saint Patrick's Day!


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