Baby Shower Planning and Issues

So my bestie Jenelle and I have been starting to talk and think about my upcoming baby shower. I wanted to originally do it in May, but every weekend in May is busy for my family and I. So we finally settled on April 29, Arbor Day. But when I spoke to my mother about it, she told me that that date will not work for them because Aunt April and her will be out of state in Ogden for a dance workshop. Ugh. Well seeing how I can't have my shower without my mommy and baby sister, I will have to reschedule for it in earlier April or late June. Neither of which are desirable to me, April is too soon for me to plan everything and June feels like it would be too late in my pregnancy, I would want more time to continue to prepare for Anna.

So while I wait to decide what date I want to do it, I wanted to share some of my plans with you. I want the party to be purple and green themed, like Anna's nursery. I think if I can, I will find some cute butterfly and bird decorations too. Lon wants to be involved in this shower, so I am thinking of doing it co-ed so that the husbands can come too. We will be offering beer for the men to entertain them lmao!

I love this idea for the invitations, I could definitely make something similar to this

Instead of renting a room at Off the Leaf, like I was going to do originally, I decided to just have the shower at my parent's house again. I did Alan's shower here as well, and it worked out great! I can have my dad grill burgers and hot dogs, and we'll just have a nice little co-ed shower. :) I have a couple of fun little games and activities planned for my friends to keep us busy. We will play a game where you guess my belly size with ribbon, a game where no one can say the word "baby" and a game where you guess the type of baby food. I also will have a guess how many activity set up. Then I will have a onesie and a shirt for Alan for everyone to sign and decorate.

I seriously can't wait to figure out when we are doing this shower and to start planning with Jenelle. We only have this much planned so far, I really wanna talk with her about the cake and party favors! Those are my favorite parts! :)

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