Our Easter Plans

My poor, poor husband. He got sick last night and has been throwing up ever since. I think he has the stomach bug that has been going around, ugh. He has never looked so miserable, I feel so bad. But so Alan and I don't get sick ourselves, I had to leave him alone to fend for himself today. I at least set him up with plenty of cold water bottles and some chicken broth close by, so he won't have to do too much work. Then we set out to spend our Mama and Son day date together. :) We went to Kelsie's house to play on her playground with Kelton for a bit, and then I am taking him out for ice cream after lunch. I'm not sure if we are going to the circus tonight or later this weekend, but if not I hope to go out to dinner with some friends tonight.

Anyways, back to my Easter plans!

Easter is a week and a half away from us and its about time to start planning our activities for the holiday. For those of you new to this blog, my family still celebrates Easter even though I practice Buddhism. For a better explanation of why we do this, read this post from a year or two ago.

Alan with Aunt April

Easter is also Aunt April's birthday party, so our whole weekend will be full of family activities. Also, Aunt Natalie will be in town from college all weekend! We can't wait to see her!! Yay! Our Easter and April celebrations will start on Saturday morning. I can't believe my baby sister is turning thirteen and is becoming a beautiful young lady! I remember when she was born and have watched her blossom into an intelligent girl. :) Okay, okay, I'll stop being all mushy lol. :P

Saturday, we plan on going to Aunt April's school Lewis and Clark Middle School for Easter egg hunts and activities. We normally go to this egg hunt every year, as its the closest to our house. After the egg hunt, we will do lunch with Grandma Melanie and everyone. Then depending on when Aunt April has her birthday party, we might go to the YMCA for a Aqua-egg hunt at one. This sounds really fun because you actually get in the pool and swim to find your Easter eggs! I hope we are able to go!

We will probably decorate Easter eggs Saturday night. I haven't decided what I want to do for decorations this year, I found this cool idea to use colored sand on the eggs and we have a ton of colored sand at home just taking up space. But I am trying to figure out which will be harder with a toddler: dying eggs the regular way or glueing colored sand to eggs. Both could be potentially messy and disastrous really lol. So this is still up for discussion. :)

Easter morning we will set Alan up the same way we did for Christmas morning, sleeping on the floor in the living room. Only this time, we will hid eggs and his basket all around for him to find when he wakes up. :D We will hid in our bedroom until he wakes up, then help him find all of his eggs around the house! After that, we will have a quick breakfast before heading over to Grandma Melanie's for their egg hunt. Its tradition for us to have my Dad hide the eggs in the backyard, some for Alan and some for Uncle Kalvin. Then we all go out and find them! Last year, it was Alan's first egg hunt and he loved it! I know this year will be even better for him!

For lunch, we will head over to Grandma Amber's house. It will be nice to see Aunt Ariel and Uncle Chase there, and hopefully Uncle Cameron will be back from Seattle as well! Great Grandpa Floyd always makes an appearance too and maybe Great Grandma Joyce will come up with him! We always enjoy getting together with Lon's family and I can't wait to again, its been since Christmas that we have been over there for dinner! After lunch and spending some time with the Andersens, we will head either back over to my parent's house or to Great Aunt Carolyn's house for Easter dinner and April's family birthday party. We hope that Sophie and Fayth (Alan's two cousins who live near us) come this time, Alan is best buds with Miss Sophie now! We have yet to meet little Miss Fayth, but I have seen pics of her on FB and she is just as beautiful as her mommy! :) It will be great to see Great Grandma Carol as well, I was just texting her the other day about Anna's name and Carol told me how much she misses Alan. I think he misses her just as much!

I am very excited for Easter Sunday and to get to see all of my family again. I love them all so much and feel like I never get to see them enough! Easter Sunday can't come soon enough! :) I also wanted to take the time to wish my girlfriend Chelsey a happy birthday today! She is having a dinner tonight at this new mexican restaurant on the West End, I hope that I can go.

There is no Toddler Talk this week. It will resume next Thursday with our Dealing with Sickies post. Be sure to check it out!


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