Disney on Ice: Mickey and Minnie's Magical Journey

Last night Grandma Melanie, Uncle Kalvin, Aunt April, Alan and I all went to go see Disney on Ice at the Metra Park. We had a ton of fun and the show was really cool! 

We got seats high up in the nosebleed section because they were super cheap ($10 a ticket on opening night) and so that Alan would be able to see the whole thing but not be tempted to go down and participate lol, like I saw a bunch of kiddos do. With my luck though, my son would have been the one ON the ice with the characters just because he was so excited to see Mickey or something lol. :P But the seats ended up being perfect! We had an awesome view of the show!

Aunt April, Alan and I before the show

We also saw a few people that we knew. We saw Kelton, Kelsie and Keith in the skybox and waved, even though I'm pretty sure we were too far away for them to see us lol. And I saw a co-worker and her family who sat close to us. Even Aunt Natalie's best bud Mary saw us lol. :) It was cool to see everyone!

There were four main Disney movies featured in the show: Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Lilo and Stitch, and Peter Pan. Mickey and the gang were "traveling around the world" visiting all these different movies, hence the name. Alan loved seeing Mickey and Goofy, his two favorite characters. Every time they came on, he would shout at them lol. :) Each Disney movie was abridged somewhat and a lot of the conflict was taken out. Alan enjoyed the Lion King and the Little Mermaid story but fell asleep for the Lilo and Stitch story lol. Then it was intermission.

I was hoping that they would have a Disney character making rounds for pictures during intermission, but instead they had a photo booth area decorated with all the characters, that they CHARGED you to take photos. Ugh lol. So that was no longer an option. But then we found the cute Disney figurines that weren't too pricy at the merchandise stand, and they were a hit with Alan and Uncle Kalvin! Uncle Kalvin picked out a Little Mermaid Ariel doll (no one freak, he wanted it to be his GI Joe's girlfriend lol) and Alan chose an adorable Mickey figurine. Everyone was happy lol! Uncle Kalvin also got a cool Stitch collector's cup with a snow cone in it. It ended up being messy but he loved it lol. :P

Uncle Kalvin with his Stitch cup

Then it was time for the last half of the show. The last half of the show was probably Alan and Uncle Kalvin's favorite part, as it was the Peter Pan part. The boys shouted when Wendy and the boys started flying (I did a little too, they were dangling over the ice lol). They stood up and danced with the Lost Boys.  They exclaimed and jumped around when Captain Hook, Smee and the pirates came onto the ice. And they loudly "tick-tocked" with the crowd as the crocodile approached Captain Hook. It was a pretty cool way to end the show. They even brought out a pirate ship and a HUGE crocodile.

Once the show was over, the boys wouldn't stop talking about the pirates lol. Alan even called me Smee and made me call him Captain Alan Hook the whole way home. Lol it was pretty awesome. :P Thankfully though, Alan passed out immediately once we were home, laying on the floor in the living room watching Cars 2, with his Mickey held tightly under his little arm.

The pic is blurry, but see him snuggling Mickey?

All in all, it was a great experience! I definitely recommend that you go to this if it comes to your town. Parts of it were a little spendy, but we had a fantastic time without spending hardly anything at all. :)

Here is a better pic of the Mickey :)


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