Pregnancy: In the Eyes of a Two Year Old

Today is Keanu's first birthday! Keanu is Alan's Bff Korbin's little brother, but we love him just as much! Happy birthday little Keanu! Hope your day is filled with love and happiness! :D We miss you and your family so much!

We have been talking with Alan a lot about this pregnancy, reading him books about babies, and taking him with us to appointments and such. He has a pretty good understanding of everything for a toddler, I think. But here is the conversation I had with my son the other day about pregnancy and ultrasounds lol. It will make you laugh, I know it made me. :P

Mama: Alan, we are going to the doctor this week to get pictures of the baby in Mama's belly.

Alan: Alan's baby in belly too?

Mama (Laughing): Alan has a baby in his belly too?

Alan: Yeah, Alan baby belly. And puppy too.

Mama: Alan has a baby AND a puppy in his belly?

Alan: Yeah. And Mama does too.

Mama (Laughing some more): Mama has a puppy in her belly? Are you sure?

Alan: Yeah, puppy making Mama belly sick.

Mama (Still laughing): Well we will have to ask the doctor about that when we go get Baby's pictures.

Alan: Alan get pictures of baby and puppy belly too?

Mama: I don't think so son, but we will see.

We of course didn't get any ultrasounds of Alan's belly, but he insisted on pictures so we did an impromptu photo shoot of his baby puppy belly lol. :P Here are a couple of the better shots.

A little blurry, but he wouldn't stop moving lol

Love this one because he is looking at me

And now he's posing lol

Can you believe what he thinks though? It blew my mind a little bit honestly lol. But I think its adorable, and it has been helpful in getting him to actually eat. When he doesn't want to eat his lunch or dinner, I just remind him he needs to take care of that belly and he eats. That doesn't make me a bad mom right??? Lol.


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