Five Question Friday! March 2, 2012
Happy Friday and happy birthday to Dr. Suess! Here's this week's Five Question Friday!

Where is your favorite vacation spot and why?
That I can afford lol? Yellowstone National Park.
Ooooh I love Yellowstone National Park, its like my absolute favorite place in the world! I love all the waterfalls, the wildlife, the geysers and all the beautiful mountains. My favorite place there is Fairy Falls. When I was a bit younger, I wanted to get married there but now as an adult we figured the place would be inaccessible for our beloved grandparents.

My dream favorite vacation spot (the one we can't afford yet lol) is Disney World.
We plan on taking the kiddos there when our little girl is about four or five years old. It will be such a wonderful experience, I already know because it will be Lon and the kids' first times there. And it will have been over five years since I have been there myself. My favorite kingdom is the Animal Kingdom and I know it will be a favorite of my family's as well.

What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
I am somewhat embarrassed to say this but 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom lol.

I get made fun by my husband and my other mom friends sometimes, but I am seriously addicted. I have watched all the seasons, and have specific opinions on each mother lol. My favorites from the first season of Teen Mom are Maci and Catelynn. My favorite from the second season is Kailyn. I even follow them on Twitter lol. Such a huge nerd I am! :P
What is your favorite fashion trend right now? Or, in the past?
Fashion trend lol?
I will be the first to admit this, I have no style. Lol I have no sense of fashion or even sense of coordinating colors when it comes to outfits. I like clothes that are comfy and colorful. Other than that, I am not too picky. Its called motherhood lol.
What are your spring break plans?
Since I do not have any children in school participating in Spring Break this year, we do not have any plans really. Unless you count the moving we plan on doing all this month lol. Because we will be doing A LOT of that. :)
What baby names do you hate?
I dunno if I could ever say that I hate a certain baby name because after all, a name is just a name and hate is such a strong negative energy that I wish to not posses in my body. But there are certainly a handful of names that I would never use when naming my children lol. Mostly because they are just too simple or common of names. Here's are some examples, color coordinated:
I hope everyone has a great Friday celebrating Dr. Suess' birthday and an even better weekend! I will see you all on Monday! :D
If you liked this post and this blog, please click on the link below to vote for my blog at Top Baby Blogs. I am down to Number 292 now, how awesome! Thanks to everyone who is voting for me!

Where is your favorite vacation spot and why?
That I can afford lol? Yellowstone National Park.
Ooooh I love Yellowstone National Park, its like my absolute favorite place in the world! I love all the waterfalls, the wildlife, the geysers and all the beautiful mountains. My favorite place there is Fairy Falls. When I was a bit younger, I wanted to get married there but now as an adult we figured the place would be inaccessible for our beloved grandparents.
My dream favorite vacation spot (the one we can't afford yet lol) is Disney World.
We plan on taking the kiddos there when our little girl is about four or five years old. It will be such a wonderful experience, I already know because it will be Lon and the kids' first times there. And it will have been over five years since I have been there myself. My favorite kingdom is the Animal Kingdom and I know it will be a favorite of my family's as well.
What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
I am somewhat embarrassed to say this but 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom lol.
I get made fun by my husband and my other mom friends sometimes, but I am seriously addicted. I have watched all the seasons, and have specific opinions on each mother lol. My favorites from the first season of Teen Mom are Maci and Catelynn. My favorite from the second season is Kailyn. I even follow them on Twitter lol. Such a huge nerd I am! :P
What is your favorite fashion trend right now? Or, in the past?
Fashion trend lol?
I will be the first to admit this, I have no style. Lol I have no sense of fashion or even sense of coordinating colors when it comes to outfits. I like clothes that are comfy and colorful. Other than that, I am not too picky. Its called motherhood lol.
What are your spring break plans?
Since I do not have any children in school participating in Spring Break this year, we do not have any plans really. Unless you count the moving we plan on doing all this month lol. Because we will be doing A LOT of that. :)
What baby names do you hate?
I dunno if I could ever say that I hate a certain baby name because after all, a name is just a name and hate is such a strong negative energy that I wish to not posses in my body. But there are certainly a handful of names that I would never use when naming my children lol. Mostly because they are just too simple or common of names. Here's are some examples, color coordinated:
Nicole, Nikki
Richard, Ricky
Laura, Lori, Laurel
Jeremiah, Jeremy
Megan, Meghan
Christina, Kristen, Kirsten, Christine
I hope everyone has a great Friday celebrating Dr. Suess' birthday and an even better weekend! I will see you all on Monday! :D
If you liked this post and this blog, please click on the link below to vote for my blog at Top Baby Blogs. I am down to Number 292 now, how awesome! Thanks to everyone who is voting for me!
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