Five Question Friday! March 23, 2012

Happy Friday everyone! I am somewhat excited for this weekend because of the nice weather and of course my cousins' Billings Roller Derby Dames bout! Lol I have two cousins who are on the team, Miss Katie and Miss Abbie. They are sisters too lol. But Lon and I have been promising these girls that we would come watch them for about a year now, so we are going to the bout on Saturday! :D I am pretty excited, I have some crazy cousins lol. Here is a couple photos of them, derby-ing it out!

KO Katie and Abbie

Derby girls, yeah!

Needless to say, I am really excited for this Saturday. We don't normally get out a lot, and it will be so nice to see all of my family. Plus I think this mama could get into roller derby lol... That is, if I could even stand while on rollerblades lmao! Cos I can't! :P

Here's this week's Five Question Friday!!

If you were free to just hop in the car and drive, where would you go? Or, if you could hop a plane and go anywhere, where?
For driving? I would totally pack up my family and drive to Yellowstone National Park or to Ogden, Utah. I just looooooooove Yellowstone National Park and haven't had the chance yet to take Alan up there. Ooooh I can't wait until we can afford to go again! And Ogden because that is where Lon and his family come from. Almost all of his relatives live down there, and since we haven't been able to afford a trip down yet, more than half of them have actually met Alan and I. We send them letters with pictures all the time, but I would love to go down there and meet his family and see where he came from. Plus Utah is beautiful!

For flying? I would have to say Alaska. I have several relatives who live up there and its the same situation with Lon. We haven't made the trip up there yet, so my family has never met Lon or Alan. I even have a cousin up there who we tease is copying us, as they have a boy who was born a month after Alan was and are currently due a month after I am with a little girl. Lol I think we would have so much in common and would just love to go up there and spend time with them!

What's your most recently read favorite book?
I really hate to say this, but its been a while since I have read anything new. *Gasp* I know, I know, I have just been so busy with this pregnancy. But the last book I reread was 1984. I enjoy that book throughly, but wouldn't necessarily call it my favorite book. I do, however, really want to get my hands on a copy of the Hunger Games. Now that I found out it isn't another book about vampires (I was originally told that lol) and have seen how awesome the movie looks, I have to read it! Sounds like one that I won't be able to put down lol!

What's your favorite Spring Break memory?
I never really had a special Spring Break, per say. Looking back, we always just spent as much time as possible outside in the newly nice weather. But we always saved our big vacation trips for summertime, probably because my mom is a teacher and didn't think that a week vacation was enough time away lol. :P

What do you put in your child's Easter basket? Or, for those w/o kids, what was put in your childhood basket?
Since Alan is still a toddler, we do Easter pretty basic. I normally give Alan little things like bubbles, color crayons and a coloring book, cars, a stuffed animal, only a few pieces of candy, and an Easter book. Easter is more about quality family time than materials for us anyways.

Do you get a summer haircut?
I don't normally lol, but this year I am. I just wrote about this yesterday lol, but next Sunday my friend is planning on cutting my hair a little shorter, not because of the upcoming warm weather but because of how hard it is to manage now.

Have a great weekend! I know we will! :D


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