Mother Nature may have lost it...

And I am saying this with the upmost respect and love lol.

But... Has anyone noticed the crazy weather lately? It started with the snowless December (we had a Brown Christmas, very disappointed), continued with the bipolar snowy and nice weather throughout January and went straight through with the 60 degree February. Well now that its March, the weather is supposed to start getting nice right lol? Maybe.

Yesterday was a beautiful 60 degree day. Today however, looks like this:


Yesterday I took Alan to the park, we played on the playground.



Yesterday Alan slid down slide after slide, squealing with joy in the beautiful sunny weather.



Yesterday we explored what Alan called the "big scary bridges" while the breeze kept us nice and cool. I was so proud he was doing them!



It hasn't stopped snowing since I took this picture of my front yard either. *Sigh* Guess it was a good thing we went to the park yesterday, today will just have to be a cleaning/movie day for us. Will you be coming back soon, beautiful sunny weather???? And Mother Nature, why are you so crazy this year?


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