Winter Break Adventures

Alan has his winter break from school until next Monday. With the snow finally falling in MT (after almost having a brown Christmas here, yuck) it makes planning activities to keep the kids from going crazy a bit more of a challenge. We have yet to be able to do a Snow Day, because temps have been just barely in the double digits at their highest. But I never said that I didn't like a challenge! :) So here are some things we have done to keep busy!

Saturday we went to Chuck E Cheese to play some games. I had a few bucks leftover on a Mastercard gift card from Christmas and we thought that we would take a quick trip to burn off some energy. It was a bit busy, but still tons of fun! Alan and Anna played that snow mobile game probably a million times! Maybe my little snow puppies were hinting at something? ;) We had a great time though!

Sunday brought even more snow! We wanted to go sledding with Grandpa and Uncle Kal but the weather got wild and blizzard-y so we couldn't go with them. Boo! Instead, we packed the car up and headed over to the Village Inn, which was closed for the day. Lon was working and we hung out by the fire, watching movies and playing. It wasn't much more then we do almost EVERY Sunday, but I enjoyed it. How does that song go?

"Oh the weather outside is frightful, but inside its so delightful. And since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, LET IT SNOW!!!!!!!!!!"

We went back to Chuck E's the next evening for Alan's friend Jasper's fourth birthday party. It was nice to see Alan's school friends (Jasper and big brother Adam both go to Alan's preschool) and to play with all the boys! :D The Reid family has six boys total! Wow! It was great, Anna had a buddy to play with and Alan had two! Jasper's party was Power Ranger themed and he had a delicious ice cream cake! We totally missed the Chuck E. show due to work running late, but it was a wonderful time regardless. Thanks for the invite Reid family! Happy birthday Jasper!

I ended up taking the kids to Scheels on Thursday. I originally was thinking of going to the mall but we had already been there several times that month. However, Scheels has a play area and a cafeteria and a bowling alley and lots of other places to explore! They also have lots of "photo booth" areas, where you can pose with stuffed animals or ride on a monster truck. So cool! The kids loved that part! We took a picture at each of the spots! Only one of them didn't work, it was a fish one where they were supposed to hold a piece of wood that was supposed to look like a fish in the picture? I didn't understand that one lol. I thought it would be the perfect place to go and not spend an arm and a leg for fun! And it was! :) We were there for over two hours that day and I didn't spend a dime! We almost stopped in the cafeteria on the way out but decided against it. Man, that is another great place for the kids to run and play during winter. I am adding it to our list of things to do!

And that brings us to yesterday, the last day of Alan's winter vacation from preschool. I put quite a bit of thought into this day, like with his last days of summer, I wanted this to be special. Lon and I both did our part to make this day special. I reserved a bowling lane at tour local bowling alley, Lon made a delicious dinner of Alan's favorites (pizza, quesedillas and chicken nuggets) and he picked out the PERFECT new movie for after dinner. It was a great way to wrap up the winter break!

It was a wonderful winter break! But I am very happy to have Alan back in school and to have everything back to normal. At least until this weekend... When Ambrose and Theo come to town!!! AAAAAHHHHHH! ;)


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