A Weekend for the Siblings

This weekend was a weekend for my sisters lol. Saturday was the annual Griz and Cat game (an important Montana rivalry, if you haven't ever heard of it). Since both my sister and her hubby go to University of Montana, we are totally supportive of the Griz! So we had to wear our maroon AND totally harassed anyone that I saw in Navy Blue lol! I mean, I had to! Its a Montana tradition!

And of course, the wonderful Grizzlies won! 

That same night, was Aunt April's first formal dance of the year, Twirp. I remember when they called it Sadie Hawkins, but apparently they think that "Twirp" is a much more attractive name for a semi-formal where the girls ask the boys. In that case, we should rename Prom "Dork" in my opinion. But I digress… Aunt April had asked me to come take pictures for her, since Aunt Natalie (the only other person in our family with any photography skills) was still in Missoula. So Anna and I made a little trip to the Yellowstone Country Club to photograph Miss April.

That place is one swanky place! I forget that almost every time I go there, but dang! It is nice there. :) April was with two other girls and their dates, they made a nice group of six kids. Much better then the twenty plus group she went with last year lol. Much more low-key. I was a little concerned with how Anna would act, worried that she might get bored and started destroying their fancy things. But she was a very well behaved little miss! Everyone kept commenting on how nicely she was sitting and eating her sucker on the chair. I think that may have helped some lol. :P

The two prettiest girls around!

I took a handful of the traditional formal dance photos. There were some newer ideas that I had never heard of, like the girls wearing the guys' jackets and the guys wearing the girls' corsages. That was weird… But most of them were adorable. And April's dress was gorgeous! She looked like a total model, especially with those red heels. Wild girl! :P She had a great time at the dance, which btw was Great Gatsby themed- LOVE IT!!!!!!


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