Please use sunscreen on your children this summer!

As a skin cancer survivor, I am a huge advocate for sunscreen especially on children. Now that it is June, we all need to start thinking about what types of sun protection we will use on our little ones.

Did you know that just one blistering sunburn in childhood more than doubles your chances of developing melanoma later in life? Unfortunately, 54 percent of children burn or tan in their second summer, and 22 percent burn in their first, according to one US study.
(Information thanks to the Skin Cancer Foundation)

Here are some tips on keeping your toddler sunburn free this summer:

-Try to keep your toddler out of the sun and in the shade as much as possible between 10 am and 4 pm. This is the hottest and sunniest part of the day.

-Have your toddler wear a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses.

I like these types of hats best for Alan because you can strap them under their chin so they won't blow off during playtime.


And we get strap-on sunglasses, like these, for Alan to wear.


-Always put on water resistant sunscreen on your toddler (spray on works best for those active toddlers). Make sure it is at least an SPF 15 or higher. Apply sunscreen every few hours.

We use this type of sunscreen for Alan. I know its for kids but we like that its SPF 50, we can use it too! And we love the twin packs you can get everywhere!


Please remember to sunscreen your children EVERY TIME they go outside! Sun burns are no fun for you or your toddler! Enjoy your summer with your kids, its only three months long! :)


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